Petroleum Retailers & Auto Repair Association

Serving Gas Stations and Auto Repair Dealers in Western Pennsylvania since 1937.
Call Us
Phone Number: 412-241-2380
Working Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30 to 3:30. Closed on Mondays and Fridays
Our location
Brinton Executive Center
1051 Brinton Road Suite 304
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
PRARA helps you daily
You may not realize it, but PRARA’s lobbying and advocacy campaigns have saved you thousands of dollars.
- PRARA preserved automobile safety inspections for service stations and garages in Pennsylvania.
- PRARA was instrumental in setting up the Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Fund program that protects every owner and operator in Pennsylvania.
- PRARA fought to keep reformulated fuel out of Western PA.
- PRARA worked with the Stakeholders group to raise the gasoline volume for Stage II.
- PRARA is continuing the fight for an improved I/M program.
- PRARA lobbied to get the Drive-off legislation passed and succeeded.
- PRARA was successful in their efforts to lessen penalties in the Underage Tobacco legislation
- PRARA is continuing to lobby for the Right to Repair Bill and Super fund legislation.
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